From day one, at Emzingo, we have worked towards a world where business leaders and organizations are committed to social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and financial success. When we joined the B Corp movement, we renewed our commitment to driving responsible leadership, creating social change, and protecting natural resources and our environment. Our values and our guiding principles, as a team, organization, and community include embracing and fostering diversity and empathy.
This is an unprecedented time, empty rhetoric and fear mongering is seeding division, hate, and bigotry. Many of the actions taken by the new U.S. administration undermine the values that we stand for and are policies that we can’t support.
We at Emzingo believe in and celebrate the power of diversity. Regardless of whether or how you worship, where you come from or whom you love. Our alumni community includes hundreds of students, future leaders, from schools in Canada, Peru, South Africa, Spain and the U.S. that come from over 50 countries including: Egypt, Israel, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia, as well as countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
Like many of you, we believe America should be a welcoming place, particularly for those in need, wherever they come from and regardless of their religion. And we won’t stand impassively as the civility and human rights we have all taken for granted are under attack.
We believe in empowering people through action. For that reason, we will be matching donations, up to a $1,000 USD in total donations, for the following organizations:
Send us proof of your donation via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or to our emails (daniel, drew, pablo, or ramon and we will match your contribution to the same organization.
As Umair Haque says in an aptly named post, Love and Resistance: “Every tiny act of love is a mighty act of resistance. It doesn’t matter how small. You are kind to this desperate person. You are gentle with that angry one. You are accepting of this flaw. Those are little ones. You march, call, vote, stand: those are big ones. You write, speak, run: those are bigger ones.”