If you are reading this, it means that most likely you are 1) already a fan of the Emzingo Group or 2) a friend of Amani, Ramon, Drew or one of the Emzingo Fellows.
Thank you to those of you who are both! If you are the latter and not the former, step it up! Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Emzingo-Group/112536825446487
In approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes, 13 Emzingo Fellows (current MBA students from IE Business School in Madrid) arrive in Johannesburg to make a difference. A difference in the local community and a difference in the way they see the world.
We hope that you will join them in their journey over the next 6 weeks, working with NGOs and SMMEs on projects ranging from strategics planning to monitoring and evaluation to branding and alumni development to position each organization for future success as they create an even better South Africa.
“It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it”
– N. Mandela
– Drew Bonfiglio